Registration General Rules

Section 1: registration for exhibition and payment for rental of booth

1-      All required forms are available on website for applicants.

Therefore you are requested to refer to different links on website and fill in the forms ,print sign and seal and resend through website.

2-      Holder is fully authorized to accept or reject applications.

3-      Payment for all expenses according to required area by applicant should be done online.

4-      Since it is possible to choose one booth by different applicants while online registration, the booth shall be allocated to the applicant who does selecting booth and filling the forms sooner by website automatically. Obviously, holder is not obliged allocate or relocate any booth.

5-      After allocation of booth, holder shall proceed to book the booth and send Performa invoice for applicant to do the payment. The payment shall be done in allocated time, in case of any delay holder is not obliged to keep the booth for applicant and is free to move the booth to the others.

6-      According to announcement of State tax organization, the rate of 9% VAT shall be added to amount of payment.

7-      If according to announcement of reliable references, applicant has a breach records or non-settled payment in other exhibitions, holder, in each stage of registration or even after doing payment by applicant, is authorized to cancel the registration and pay back the fee to the applicant.

8-      In case of doing payment through checks, only checks of companies of applicants can be accepted and holder shall reject checks belong to real or legal persons.

9-      Identification information of exhibitors will be printed in official book of the exhibition in two Persian and English languages by holder. This option is mandatory and exhibitors are obliged to provide holder with complete identification information in Persian and English on time.

10-  Information mentioned in forms by participant shall be printed in the book in same shape and holder is not responsible for any incorrect or invalid information.

11-  Any request to change information in the registration from or other form shall be presented in writing.   

 Section 2: guaranty for implementation of exhibition rules

All exhibitors notwithstanding them choose prefabricated booth or make their own booth, must deliver a check to guaranty implementation of rules. Guaranty is often for currency rules, rules of constructing and on time destructing booth and taking the equipment and wastes out, compensating for any probable damage to structure and installations of the exhibition, guaranty for payment of remained debts and similar issues. The amount of guaranty is 8.700.000Rls per square meter that major part of this amount is related to implementation of currency rule. So the exhibitors who only apply for a foreign booth are free from paying this amount. But they should have a guaranty as full amount of 5.000.000Rls. And 50.000Rls for each meter more area of booth as the guaranty for implementation of other rules. Also in the context of check they should only mention the phrase “in the name of Mandegar Tejarat Shirin” and avoid writing phrases like “as guaranty” or “for cooperation”, otherwise the check shall be returned and is not accepted. Of course when the exhibition is finished and all payments is settled, the check shall be returned to the exhibitor. By signing the registration form, exhibitor authorizes the holder to deduce amount of probable damages or expenses arises from violation of rules by exhibitor from the amount of guaranty check. Of course further cooperation of holder and exhibitor like issuing required certificates and moving booth to exhibitor is subject to rendering guaranty check by exhibitor. As this check is being received for guaranty of implementation of rules so the check must be provided by exhibitor and such check by employer of booth making or other person shall not be accepted.

Section 3: rules for showing and selling goods  

1-      Only goods are authorized to be presented which are defined in the framework of exhibition and profile for these goods shall be presented to the exhibitors.

2-      Presenting standard certificate for goods which certificate standard for them is mandatory by organization of standard is mandatory.

3-      Direct sale of goods in exhibition is prohibited. But marketing and issuing invoices in exhibition and delivering goods in the shop or company is free.

4-      Presenting goods and advertising mateIRR like posters, catalogue, brochure, photo or movies which are in conflict with Islamic principles is prohibited.


Section 4: rules and method of calculating booth expenses in IRRs or foreign currencies.

            1-  Showing goods with Iranian name and brand by industIRR and manufacturing units which have required certificate for their activities in the country or  in free zones or special economic zones are involved for payment in IRRs.

2-      Showing good with Iranian name or brand which are being produced in Iran but under license of foreigner countries are involved for payment in IRRs.

3-      Showing goods with foreigner brand which are being produced in Iran according to mutual investment of Iranian and foreigner companies and have certificate from Ministry of financial and approval of government are involved for payment in IRRs.

4-      Showing foreigner samples in order to compare to domestic goods by manufacturing units which have utilization certificate from related references in case of collecting samples in least area and avoid marketing for them are involved for payment in IRRs.

5-      Showing foreigner machineries as tools for working to show type of their activity by manufacturing units subject to hiding the brand and avoid marketing for that foreigner brand are involved for payment in IRRs.

6-      Introducing technical and automation innovations if the exhibitor does not advertise foreigner companies (poster, brochure, good,..) are involved for payment in IRR.

7-      Participating mutual chamber of commerce of Iran and other countries without advertising any goods is involved for payment in IRR.

8-      Consulting companies, contractor companies for designing and executing and designing systems and similar issues if they do not advertise foreigner brands are involved for payment in IRR. Otherwise they shall pay 30% in foreign currency and 70% in IRR.

9-      Travel agencies , if don not advertise for foreigner companies are involved for payment in IRR.

10-  Domestic press including newspapers, magazine, bulletin, advertisement etc. which advertise Iranian and foreigner companies simultaneously are involved for payment in IRR. Of course advertising for foreigner brands in allocated booth (through posters, banners, playing movies, distributing CDs catalogue and brochures ) is prohibited.    

11-  Presenting after sale service for foreigner goods for consumers by authorized representatives (providing certificate from the main company) and considering avoidance of selling goods or spare parts  is involved for payment in 30% in foreign currency and 70% IRR.

12-  Imported goods in bulk which are mixed with Iranian goods after packaging (providing certificate, introduction letter or marking “under license” phrase) and are shown by Iranian exhibitors shall pay 30% in IRR and 70% in foreign currency.

13-  Showing goods which are manufactured in Iran with foreign brand (except items in clause 4) shall pay 30% in IRR and 70% in foreign currency.

14-  Allocating booth for sales and marketing representatives of foreign exhibitions, with presenting agreement with Iranian executor is involved for payment in 30% in foreign currency and 70% IRR. Otherwise payment shall be done in foreign currency.

15-  Exhibitors in Iranian booths are only authorized to represent and advertise their services and activities with Iranian name, if exhibitor does not fulfil obligation the payment shall be done 100% in foreign currency.

16-  Showing goods which are manufactured out of country are involved for payment in foreign currency.

17-  Advertising for import and sale and presenting brochures, movies and photos are involved for payment in foreign currency.

18-  Advertising exclusive or official representative for foreign companies shall be paid in foreign currency.

19-  Iranian manufacturing and trading companies in order to show Iranian and foreign goods, must show foreign goods in a separate section and standard for least area (12 square meter). Expense shall be calculated based on foreign currency.   

20-  Allocating an area to construct VIP area will be calculated according to your application in foreign currency or IRR.

21-  During the exhibition all booth shall be inspected by inspection board of Iran Intl. Exhibition Co. to check for implementation of rules for foreign or domestic booth rules. If the inspector provides a report about advertising a foreign brand or good in a domestic booth, the exhibitor is obliged to pay for the difference between rate of foreign and domestic booth before the ending days of exhibition.

22-   All exhibitors who paid for booth in IRR or foreign currency or both together must fill the undertaking overleaf of registration form and sign and seal it.

23-  Since rules for foreign and domestic booth are mentioned here, any violation of the rules is not accepted.

 Section 5: rule for cancellation or decreasing area of the booth

1-      For cancellation or decreasing area of the booth, the applicant must inform the holder in writing 40 days prior to beginning day of exhibition officially. After deduction of 10% of payment the rest of amount shall be returned to exhibitor.

2-      If it is less than 40 days to beginning day of exhibition , request for cancellation is not accepted and if the applicant avoid using the booth, the holder shall be authorized to move the booth to another applicant against payment or for free to keep the appearance of the exhibition regular. So applicants are requested to consider all aspects of renting booth and then attempt to do so in order to avoid occurring such problems in final days to begin the exhibition. Also decreasing area of the booth is not possible if it is less than 40 days to beginning day of the exhibition.

Section 6: protection and security of booths

1-      Security board of exhibition shall provide applicants with a security form and it is necessary for manager of companies to study the form and sing and seal it to send back to holder committee. Identification cards can be issued for exhibitors only if they deliver this form to committee.

2-      During exhibition hours, the companies are responsible for protection and security of booth. After finishing working hours all doors shall be sealed until tomorrow and responsibility for protecting booths are up to security guard of exhibition. Responsible of each booth shall be in the salon before opening doors. Exhibitors shall be responsible for any delay in coming to salon of exhibition.

3-      Using flammables and empty cartons especially behind panels is prohibited.

4-      Fire insurance is mandatory for all exhibitors, and the holder shall do this for all booths and the fee shall be received from exhibitors. Other types of insurances are optional but exhibitors are recommended to do so. 

5-      Responsivity for losing any equipment or goods in booth during working hours is up to exhibitors.

6-      In case of losing anything or any event in the booth, inform manager and security of salon to provide a minute in presence of representative of security. Following such issues are up to exhibitors.

7-      In case of showing light and precious goods which can be stolen easily , exhibitors are recommended to take such things out with themselves after working hours and bring next days.

8-      Opening time is 10 A.M for visitors but the salon shall be opened at 9 A.M for cleaning services. Therefore it is necessary for exhibitors to be present in the salon at 9 A.M to prevent losing or stealing goods in the booth. Also bringing goods into the booth shall be possible only between 9 and 10 A.M.

9-      During days of preparing salon and booths before opening the exhibition, in order to take equipment of making booths out of salon, it is necessary to receive exit note from manager of salon. Exit note must be signed and sealed by manager of salon.   

                                   10-  Since most of goods and equipment in the booth are flammable pleas avoid welding and  cutting or such things which may cause                                        fire and  try to bring booth equipment in prefabricated form.

  Section 7: rules for issuing identification and parking card

1-      Holder shall issue identification card for each exhibitor with photo affixed on it. Therefore exhibitors are requested to fill form of ID. Card for all staff of the booth with a 3*4 photo. In case of lack of photos for staff no ID. Card shall be issued for those staff. ID. Card shall be issued for each company as follow:

It should be noted that in case of losing ID . Card,  issuing a duplicate is not possible and the exhibitor must buy ticket to enter into ground of exhibition.

2-      Vehicles are prohibited to enter into area of exhibition and exhibitor may use parking area around the fairground. The holder shall issue parking card according to following table.



12 square meter (in the salon)

2 ID. Card. 1 parking card

12-24 square meter (in the salon)

3 ID. Card. 2 parking card

24-50 square meter (in the salon)

4 ID. Card. 2 parking card

50-100 square meter (in the salon)

6 ID. Card. 3 parking card

100-150 square meter (in the salon)

8 ID. Card. 3 parking card

Higher than 150 square meter (in the salon)

10 ID. Card. 3 parking card



Up to 50 square meter(open area)

2 ID. Card. 1 parking card

50-100 square meter (open area)

3 ID. Card. 2 parking card

Higher than 100 square meter (open area)

3 ID. Card. 3 parking card



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Table of rate of utilizing machineries

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